Asia’s Finest Male and Female Volleyball Athletes

By Etobicoke Volleyball Research Team
In Asia, volleyball is a very grand sport. Thousands of people play it to become some of the nation’s finest players. There have even been popular shows made such as one named “Haikyuu” that originated in Japan. It is about a highschool volleyball team making their way to the top. This article is going to be about some of the best international volleyball players in Asia. That said, let’s talk about some of the best female and male volleyball players in Japan and Korea (two of the best countries in Asia).
There are a ton of volleyball players in these countries, but who are the best? This article will share who are the top female and male volleyball players in these countries as well as some tips these players have shared. If you want to learn more, continue reading.
In Japan, the top setter is Issei Otaku. He was born on March 12, 1995.and is a part of the men’s volleyball team for Japan. He has gotten a couple medals in his lifetime, especially in his early years. One of his specialties is spiking. If there is a moment of truth in volleyball, it is the perfectly hit spike. A spike combines speed, power and athleticism to provide the excitement that is uniquely known as volleyball. It is one of the most interesting accomplishments of this sport, however not just for the player, but also the onlookers seeing. The spiking technique can be a powerful series of coordinated movement which may require a flexing of muscles, gritting teeth, and intensity. However it can also be a relaxed, whipping motion.
This stance requires players’ hands to be relaxed and swing naturally. Your dominant hand does the swinging and your non-dominant hand is below your waist. Be sure to keep your fingers, hands, wrists and shoulders relaxed so the spike can accelerate. When you jump, your legs should be bent at about a 90-degree angle.
Japan also has a female team which is also very talented. Their main setter isYoshie Takeshita. A fun fact about her is that she is the world’s shortest but strongest female setter. She is only 5’3. Most may assume that because she is short she should be a libero. Liberos tend to be short because their height helps get lower faster than taller players to receive the ball and to absorb hard hits/serves from the opposing team. Liberos are very important assets to the team so don’t be discouraged because of your height. However, she has proved this point wrong that short people must be liberos.
A well known back player in Korea is Yo-han Ahn. From his kind of play, you can learn about different kinds of back spikes. For example, one having to do with players are allowed to be in front of or behind the line, but if they are a back-row player, they are not allowed to cross it to make any sort of attacks in front. Let’s say one player is playing middle-back and it’s their time to hit a set. If they run and jump in front of line, it would be considered an illegal play. However, if they jump behind the line, it is a legal play and the game can continue. Another illegal play that can be called is a player in the back-court being in contact with the 3-meter line. If they step on this line, it will be considered a fault.
One of the most phenomenal female players in Korea is Lee Da-yeong. By watching her play, you can learn the importance of having proper form in your forearm. Begin by locking your fingers together so they cannot break apart. Keep all your fingers in place except for your thumbs. It is important for you to have your thumbs parallel to each other. However, not horizontally, but vertically. If your thumbs are not parallel, there will be an uneven surface resulting in an uneven platform. This shows that every aspect of your body can help to create a proper platform, even the smallest parts. Also, make sure they are facing forward. To make sure your hand posture is correct, it should look like your thumbs are two doors that can open and close.
Thank you so much for reading this article. We hope that learning about these players will inspire you in your volleyball journey. Remember that each part should feel right to you. Best of luck!