Volleyball Stats

Those who take a deep interest in the sport of volleyball may find it interesting to familiarize themselves with volleyball stats. Actually, there are many interesting things that you probably didn’t know about volleyball sport. The article’s title tells for itself. As you can see, this article focuses on volleyball stats. In this blog, we would like to provide volleyball stats on different aspects of volleyball sport. This type of volleyball stats is likely to help you find the answers to various important questions and learn something new about the sport of volleyball.
How many people in the world do play volleyball game?
Volleyball is a popular game in different parts of the world. The game is played by men and women of different ages. According to volleyball stats provided in 1951, more than 50 million athletes played volleyball in more than 60 countries. However, the sport of volleyball quickly gained the popularity. So, the number of volleyball players has grown significantly since that time. The up-to-date volleyball stats show that more over 800 million people of different ages across the world play the game of volleyball once a week. The statistics also show that up to 46 million Americans choose to play volleyball on a regular basis these days.
What are the top volleyball countries?
In order to get the correct answer to this interesting and important question we need to study the history of volleyball in the summer Olympic Games carefully. Let’s take a closer look at Olympic volleyball stats right now and analyze the achievements of the top world’s volleyball national teams. According to the most recent FIVB ratings, among the top volleyball nations are: Brazil (men – 3 gold medals and 3 silver medals, women – 2 gold medals and 2 bronze medals), United States (men – 3 gold medals and 2 bronze medals, women – 3 silver medals and 2 bronze medals), China (women – 3 gold medals, 1 silver medal and 2 bronze medals), Russia (men – 1 gold medal, 1 silver medal and 2 bronze medals, women – 2 silver medals), Japan (men – 1 gold medal, 1 silver medal, 1 bronze medal and women – 2 gold medals, 2 silver medals, 2 bronze medals), Poland (men – 1 gold medal, women – 2 bronze medals), Serbia (men – 1 gold medal and 1 bronze medal, women – 1 silver) and Germany (men – 1 silver medal, women – 1 silver). It’s pretty clear that Brazil is the number one volleyball nation in the world. The sport of volleyball is also incredibly popular in such countries as Argentina (men – 1 bronze medal), Italy (men – 3 silver medals and 3 bronze medals), Australia, Canada, France, Egypt, Bulgaria, Belgium and Turkey.
Is the sport of volleyball getting more popular among girls in the United States?
Volleyball stats say the sport of volleyball is becoming more and more popular among girls in the United States. If you take a look at volleyball stats for the 2016 – 2017 season you’ll see that 444 779 girls and 57209 boys participated in a high school volleyball program.
How many times does a volleyball player jump during a match?
It’s fair to say that the sport of volleyball is all about jumping. It’s interesting to know that totally all players of a volleyball team jumps approximately 300 times during a match. In fact, a volleyball player jumps every 30 seconds during a match. Each of volleyball players jumps at least 37 times a match.
How much a volleyball player can jump?
There has been a lot of talk about the importance of having a good jump for a volleyball player. Obviously, every volleyball player should aim to jump higher to do great job on the court. That’s the reason why so many athletes focus on increasing his/her vertical jump. Having a good jump is particularly important for volleyball blockers who constantly need to resist attacks of the opposing team during a match. An average volleyball player has a 40-45 inch vertical jump. However, some of volleyball athletes have a jump of 50 + inches. You also need to know that jumping of world class volleyball players can reach around 60 inches.
What is the average speed of a volleyball spike from men?
An attack plays a big role in the sport of volleyball. A spike is a key element of a volleyball attack. A volleyball player should aim to hit a ball over the net fast and accurate. On the other hand, every volleyball player has to hit a volleyball as hard as possible. So, a question is – what is the speed of a volleyball spike? We’ll help you find the correct answer to this important question by providing you with volleyball stats on the average speed of a volleyball spike from men. In fact, there are different types of volleyball stats on the speed of a volleyball spike. Numerous sources tell that the average speed of a volleyball spike from men at high school level is 40 to 50 mph. According to the volleyball stats, the average speed of a man’s volleyball spike at the NCAA volleyball competitions is about 50 to 60 mph. However, athletes who participate at the Olympic Games traditionally hit a ball at much higher speed. Volleyball attackers at the Olympic Games hit a ball at the speed of 70 to 80 mph. The player of Bulgaria men’s national volleyball team, Matey Kaziyski, is well-known for the most powerful spike in the history of volleyball. His spike at the international volleyball match in 2012 reached 82 mph, according to volleyball stats provided by FIVB.
What is the average speed of a volleyball spike from men?
Professional female volleyball players can spike a ball at the speed of 50 – 70 mph. According to the volleyball stats, the legendary female player of the Cuba national volleyball team, Yanelis Santos, spikes a ball at the speed of 65 mph.
What is the average volleyball serving speed?
World class volleyball players serve the ball at the speed of 121 mph.
How much weight can an athlete lose while playing the game of volleyball?
Many studies have shown that the sport of volleyball offers a great way of losing weight. The game of volleyball is all about running, jumping, hitting, blocking and other types of movements. Obviously, you need to move quickly and make explosive movements on the court during the game. That means that you can lose high amounts of weight when playing the game of volleyball. The big question is – how many calories can you burn while playing the game of volleyball? The study published by the “Harvard Heart Letter” contains important volleyball stats on the amount of weight that people lose by playing volleyball game. Now, we’ll dig deeper into volleyball stats to get the answer! Let’s assume that you would like to play the game of volleyball to lose weight. In this case, you can play recreational volleyball, competitive volleyball as well as beach volleyball. It’s worth noting that the amount of weight that you can lose depends a lot on two main factors: 1) your body weight and 2) intensity of exercises. If, for example, you choose to play recreational volleyball then you’ll be able to burn up to 220 – 250 calories per hour. You are likely to burn up to 300 – 350 calories per hour by playing competitive volleyball. When playing the game of beach volleyball an athlete can burn up to 600 – 700 calories per hour.
Thank you so much for reading our article. We’ve just provided you with the latest volleyball stats. Now, it’s time for you to get familiar with the volleyball stats and learn more interesting things about the sport of volleyball. Best of luck!